Small businesses require a lot of effort to run efficiently. Today's entrepreneurs often find themselves performing dozens of roles to keep their daily tasks on schedule. Many people are intimidated about implementing analytics into their online sales. With so many complex programs available in the marketplace, it can be difficult to know where to start. However, Google, Facebook and a variety of other platforms you currently use already have analytics built in. That means your progress is already being monitored, you may just need a little guidance on how to use the data to your advantage without sacrificing a lot of time and resources. At iBoost, we help businesses of all sizes grow their companies using SEO and digital marketing. We have witnessed the way data mining and analytics can transform sales, and want to help you do the same.
The biggest asset that analytics bring to the table, is the ability to predict the future. While that may sound over the top, it isn't much of an exaggeration. Seeing repeating spikes and dips relating to specific products and services can help you understand how, when and what your customers want from you. A retail store may notice that they sell a surprising number of sweaters in March, which will give them incentives to take advantage of post-holiday sales prices from their wholesale suppliers. Every small business goes through cyclical changes, periods of increasing and decreasing revenue. While some peaks and valleys are obvious (Black Friday and Mother's Day), most are subtle and difficult to rationalize. Analytics can help you figure out these mysteries so you know exactly how to prepare your business for today, next week and next quarter.
Analytics is also great for maximizing sales for products and services that are underappreciated by your normal audience. There could be various reasons why your candle store isn't selling out of this year's Pumpkin Pie scent, but once you know you'll need to make up the difference, you can create sales and promotions that will bring the highest ROI. For companies that are sell online and at a brick and mortar location can also cross promote to encourage in store customers to purchase items that don't sell as well on the website, and vice versa.
Using analytic software that monitors incoming traffic from digital marketing efforts can significantly increase your conversion rate. Whether you focus on pay per click campaigns, Facebook ads, Pinterest posts or organic SEO, you'll be able to see what's paying off and where you're wasting cash. Most ads, blog posts and other digital content can be quickly improved and republished for near fast results. You can finally put an end to spending your ad budget on something that isn't bringing new customers. Instead, you'll be able to mold and shift your efforts and instantly and know within days or hours if the idea was good or bad. Analytics helps you pivot quickly, and get the best return on every marketing investment.
Are you interested in learning more ways to improve your digital marketing success rate? Contact the experienced professionals at iBoost today. Our experts can discuss your unique needs one on one and help find the perfect solutions for your circumstances and budget.